
giovedì, marzo 11, 2010

Note terminologiche sulla società dell'informazione/2

Il concetto di autorità come "avere la prima parola" (non l'ultima) - sempre secondo David Weinberger:
there are some aspects of it that I like. 1 I do think that we are moving away in some areas from thinking that we have to settle issues; we are finding much value in the unsettling of ideas, for that allows for more nuance, more complexity, and more recognition that our ability to know our world is quite limited. 2 And I do think that there is a type of expertise that has value as the first word — think about some of your favorite bloggers who throw an idea out into the world so the world can plumb it for meaning, veracity, and relevance. 3 Finally, I do think that insisting on having the last word — and thus closing the conversation — often will be seen as counter-productive and arrogant.
(qui la prima parte)

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