
giovedì, novembre 08, 2012

Elezioni USA: perché i social media non sono stati decisivi

Four years ago for us here techPresident, Election Day was a moment to reflect on the Internet's impact on the campaign, and in particular how so many voters had ventured onto the playing field of politics by using new interactive media, self-publishing tools like blogs and YouTube, and nascent social networks like Facebook. But if you've spent any time reading techPresident this cycle, you've noticed that we've more or less stopped paying close attention to social media metrics. The reason is, they didn't make a difference to the race. The question is why.

Lo spiega Micah Sifry in un bel post dal titolo The Rise and Fall of Social Media in American Politics (And How it May Rise Again). Un'analisi assai interessante e da tenere presente quando sentiamo parlare a sproposito dell'importanza della Rete in politica.

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