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PDF Poland-CEE (Storify)
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PDF Poland-CEE
Personal Democracy Forum Poland-Central Eastern Europe (PDF PL-CEE) explored the interaction between open Internet and open democracy. It is organised by Personal Democracy Media in cooperation with Fundacja ePaństwo (ePF).
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PdF Europe
· Fri, Feb 01 2013 09:57:01
Thank you all for an amazing and enlightening first day! We'll see you tomorrow at 9.30 at Centre Zielna for Day 2. #PDFPolandPersonal Democracy
Here's @rasiej closing 1st day of #pdfpoland, telling story of community center his grandfather built in Poland. Sifry
#pdfPoland @helen_access do we focus too much on tools and not enough on the impact of the tools? Eg Fixmystreet works well in uk, not SpainMartin Tisne
.@helen_access: what are we really changing? Transparency and open data doesn't prevent undemocratic decision-making #pdfpolandEka Rostomashvili
Welcome | FixMyStreet Platform | mySocietymySociety's much-copied problem reporting platform. We've been working to make it much easier to install in other countries, and we welco...
As soon as people see online tool works on matters that are of importance to them, they will start to spread it #pdfpolandMatej Delakorda
People will participate and use new tools if they believe that change is possible. @MariaNovkovic #pdfpoland Król
what helps #socinn difuse? @sidorenko_intl explains the role of people-bridges - ppl who help connect various groups of interests #pdfpolandJustyna Król
Michal Mach: For social innovation create a safe environment and communicate in depth to support collaboration #pdfpolandMatej Delakorda
@adrebiluka #SocialInovation is opportunity to connect people and sollutions with ngo/people who are searching for them #PDFPolandKamil Śliwowski
breakout: Social Innovation 4 Transparency & Participatory Democracy: Anna Mazgal, @MariaNovkovic, @sidorenko_intl, Michał Mach #PDFPolandPersonal Democracy
Lenz / MySociety correctly saying a few people seeing data and doing right thing with it can be very powerful. #PDFPolandJon Worth
Paul Lenz: "how do you get people to engage? make sure the process is as simple as possible" #pdfpolandDorota Kawęcka
#pdfpoland @vukac "in Serbia cooperation with govt was a good strategy"PdF Europe
Open data as such is not sexy. If gov opens data on the Smolensk crash, media would jump on it, otherwise noone care @atarkowski #PDFPolandIgor Ostrowski
#Pdfpoland @atarkowski Digital summer, analogue winter. Media in Poland are not interested in PDF topics.Szymon Sikorski
Real difference between e-government and we-government? @atarkowski talks about the Polish expierence at #PDFPoland Ostrowski
breakout session happening now at #PDFPoland: Edwin Bendyk, @atarkowski, @vukac, @sillage on E-Government to We-GovernmentPersonal Democracy
1. Dear all on #pdfpoland thank you for signing petition to the Ambassador of #AZ in #PL supporting @eminmilli Kacprzak
@grajewski_luk: "the problem with digi activism is that it's discussed as a separate topic, while it shld be discussed as a tool" #PDFPolandAlexey Sidorenko
3. Public policy in a Networked Age
Aranita Brahaj from Open Data Albania -organizer of Datathon (data marathon) … #PDFPolandJustyna Król
There're problems, however, with bribe-mapping tools: how to check? What to do next after reporting? #PDFPolandAlexey Sidorenko - here's the presentation by Alaksej Charniajeu, another speaker at #PDFPolandAlexey Sidorenko
What motivates citizens to get involved? Miro Ščibrany explains why he built a site for his community #PDFPolandUNDP Europe and CIS
What do you do when you see guys like this approaching you? Artas Bartas, Bribespot - corruption reporting #pdfpoland King
2. Technology Tools for Citizen Engagement and Accountability
Dark side of online activism: responsibility of exposing people, need to consider risks and networks (@Info_Activism ) #pdfpolandPdF Europe
M.Tuszyński: when you act online you need to have/be part of network #PDFPolandKamil Śliwowski
Voice from the audience: "clictivism can be positive when you know how to capitalize on it" #PDFPolandDorota Kawęcka
When FB page has more likes than a petition the politicians tend to patronize the campaign by saying "less facebook, more action" #pdfpolandDorota Kawęcka
You can do online activism even if you don't define yourself as an online activist! #PDFPolandMilena
#PDFPoland Defn of an online activist: someone who turns to the net as the first place to solve whatever social problem they are faced with?Jon Worth
@darko_brkan: "We're a 3-headed society in Bosnia, having 14 constitutions. If we want change, online world is just one tool" #PDFPolandDokukino/DKQ
@arzugeybulla on online actism: how do you measure success: Clicking or actual engagement? In Azerbaijan the answer is both #pdfpolandPdF Europe
"It's complicated"-- the status of a relationship between #socialmedia & #socialchange as defined during a #PDFPoland sessionAlicja Peszkowska
1. Online Activism – The Reach & the Limits
Breakout sessions time
Martin Tilsne on the conversation going on at PDF Poland...
On The Open Government Movement and SilosA lot of talk here at Personal Democracy Forum Poland about whether there either: (1) already is a vibrant, coherent, global open governm...
Interesting: Citizens shouldn't send "spam" to govt. I wonder if the opposite obligation is expected, too. #pdfpolandMicah Sifry
@jerezim: collective analysis, decentralized network, new ways of participation, and #lulz! Have fun when doing it! #PDFPolandAlexey Sidorenko
"A good idea is nothing without a proof of concept and running code" - @jerezim at #pdfpolandPdF Europe
Górnicki: We will start an unofficial initiative "Transparent #CEE" to promote transparency technologies #PDFPoland.Alexey Sidorenko
Fundacja ePaństwoFundacja ePaństwo wykorzystuje nowe technologie w celu otwierania nowych zbiorów danych, budowania prostych oraz użytecznych inicjatyw i ...
Jakub Gornicki, ePaństwo
#pdfpoland @stephenk01 @OmidyarNetwork there is a momentum in CEE which we hope to supportMartin Tisne
Omidyar has invested $500m on idea that anyone given opportunity has the power to make a difference Stephen King at #pdfpolandHelen Darbishire
Omidyar Network | ONOmidyar Network is committed to creating and fostering opportunity for people around the world.
Stephen King, Omidyar
The Alec Ross / 21st Century Statecraft line has really deeply impacted the State Department in just 4 years. Impressive. #PDFPolandJon Worth
Personal diplomacy via Twitter: for US Amb @stevemullusa it is a tool for direct two way contact w Poles. #pdfpolandMicah Sifry
The first speaker is US Ambassador in Poland, Stephen Mull aka @stevemullusa
Friday, February 1, 2013 at Kino Praha
We're in Warsaw and we can't wait to meet great people at #pdfPoland tomorrow. Here's info&updates Europe
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