giovedì, febbraio 14, 2008

La strategia della negazione

“Could we possibly have a nominee who hasn't won any of the significant states -- outside of Illinois?” Chief Strategist Mark Penn said. “That raises some serious questions about Sen. Obama.”
Beh, Obama non ha vinto grossi stati, ma poi quasi tutti gli altri sì.
Poi magari alla fine vince Hillary, eh. Però a me non sembra un granchè, la strategia della negazione.
Dice bene Antonio:
And it’s damn wrong. It totally inhibits all the flow of communication from the campaign: her blog is almost freezed - too easy for Obama to score extra points. Better to say: ok you won, and move forward.

(Politico, Webgolr, PaFerroByDay, MSNBC)

Update: Josh Marshall è severissimo con Mark Penn:
So now you have Penn successively saying caucus wins don't really count, small state wins don't really count, medium state wins don't really count, states with large African-American populations don't really count, all building up to yesterday's gem: "Could we possibly have a nominee who hasn't won any of the significant states -- outside of Illinois? That raises some serious questions about Sen. Obama."

Clinton is ultimately responsible for putting her political fate in this fool's hand

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